IntelliText: The Power of ChatGPT in Your iPhone Keyboard Apps

Discover how IntelliText, developed by the company e-facto in Hauts-de-France, will change the way you communicate on your iPhone. Our innovative application integrates ChatGPT directly into your keyboard, allowing you to write in a smarter and more efficient way in all applications that use a keyboard.

IntelliText: The Go-To App for Optimizing Your Communication

Test IntelliText, the innovation that transforms your way of communicating, creating, and interacting on the web. Equipped with smart tools like spell checker, « ParaPhrase » text customization, automatic email drafting, instant translation, and social content creation, IntelliText is your ideal digital companion.

Simplify your writing tasks, overcome language barriers, and engage your audience with ease. Each feature is designed to enrich your interactions, save you time, and amplify your online presence.

Ready to discover the full potential of your communication? Dive into the IntelliText universe and let your creativity express itself without limits.

Spell Check:

``Whether you're drafting important emails, professional reports, or even personal messages, our tool streamlines the writing process for you. Our advanced algorithm analyzes your text, identifies spelling and grammatical errors, and suggests appropriate corrections. Additionally, it provides suggestions to enhance the clarity, structure, and style of your text.``

Ask ChatGPT:

The 'Ask ChatGPT' function is your one-stop shop for getting information, ideas, or answers to questions.
With just a simple click, you can ask ChatGPT any question or seek assistance for specific tasks.
Whether you need information on a complex topic, help with writing a text, or just practical advice.


The ``ParaPhrase`` feature enriches your keyboard with a unique capability: reformulating your texts with various tones and styles. Transform your writings to perfectly match the desired atmosphere, whether it's professional, friendly, or creative. This innovative tool ensures that your messages stand out while remaining true to your original intention.

Response to a Message:

Our 'Automatic Reply' feature analyzes and understands the content of your emails to generate suitable responses. It prompts you for the desired tone – formal, friendly, concise – to personalize the reply. Save time while maintaining precise communication that reflects your image, effortlessly.

Message Translation:

IntelliText revolutionizes international communication with its 'Instant Translation' feature. Write your messages in your native language, and IntelliText instantly converts them into the language of your choice. Perfect for communicating with international contacts or for professional transactions, it removes language barriers.

Writing for Social Media:

IntelliText reinvents social media content creation with its dedicated feature. Choose the tone, style, length of your post, add emojis and hashtags, and let IntelliText do the rest.
Designed to adapt to your creativity and specific needs, this feature ensures that each post captures attention.


Data Protection

In our commitment to ensuring security, privacy, and data encryption, IntelliText relies on OpenAI's servers, the publisher of ChatGPT, for a secure and trusted infrastructure. Every interaction between your device and our servers benefits from the latest advances in computer security. We scrupulously ensure that all your data is processed with the highest level of protection, preventing unauthorized access and ensuring that your information remains private and secure. By using OpenAI's servers, we ensure you a safe experience, respectful of your privacy, where your data is encrypted and protected according to the strictest industry standards.

Cookie Policy


IntelliText integrates state-of-the-art encryption to protect your data, using OpenAI's servers for optimal security. Every data exchange between your device and our servers is encrypted, ensuring maximum protection against interceptions or unauthorized access. The encryption process transforms your information into an indecipherable code during transmission, ensuring that only the intended recipient - in this case, our secure servers - can read it. This approach enhances the security of your communications and content, providing you with peace of mind that your interactions with IntelliText are private and shielded from prying eyes.


Security of Personal Data

IntelliText prioritizes the privacy of your data. By leveraging OpenAI's servers, we adhere to a strict policy where no user data is stored or used for training purposes without explicit consent. Your interactions with our application, while benefiting from the computational power and technological advancements of OpenAI, remain ephemeral and leave no trace on the servers. This approach ensures complete confidentiality: your questions, responses, and any exchange are treated with the highest level of discretion, ensuring that your use of IntelliText remains private and secure. We are committed to protecting your privacy, ensuring that your personal and professional data remains exclusively yours.

Privacy Policy

User Reviews

Simplify Your Professional Communication with IntelliText

IntelliText has become indispensable in my daily life. This application brilliantly combines several essential features to enhance my writing and productivity. When I manage my company's social media networks, the ``Write for Social Media`` feature is a major asset. It guides me in creating posts tailored to each platform, thereby strengthening our online presence.


Marie D.

Professional in communication

As an editor-in-chief, IntelliText's real-time spell check is an essential tool for me. It ensures that our articles are impeccable, which enhances the credibility of our publication. It's an incredible time saver.


Laura P.


As a corporate communications professional, IntelliText is my secret weapon for maintaining impeccable communication. The real-time spell check allows me to write emails and professional documents without errors, thus enhancing the credibility of my company.


Sophie B.

Corporate Communications Professional

I save time writing for social media thanks to IntelliText. It's an incredibly useful application.


Sophie M.

Project Manager

As the social media manager of our company, I greatly appreciate IntelliText's social media writing feature. It allows me to maintain a consistent online presence across all our platforms, which strengthens our brand image.


Marc D.

Social Media Manager for a Company

As an entrepreneur, I greatly appreciate IntelliText's 'Ask ChatGPT' feature. It allows me to quickly find essential information for making informed business decisions. It's an invaluable tool in my professional arsenal.


Jean-Pierre M.


The social media writing feature of IntelliText is an exceptional functionality for a marketing consultant. It helps me tailor our message to the specificities of each platform, increasing engagement from our audience and yielding better results.


David R.

``Marketing Consultant``

Pricing and subscription

Monthly Subscription


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  • Risk-Free Trial (3 days free)
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Annual Subscription


  • Significant Savings (38% off)
  • Cost Stability
  • Continuous Updates

FAQ section

Welcome to our FAQ section, where we have compiled answers to the most frequently asked questions about IntelliText.
Whether you're new to the world of our revolutionary keyboard app or an experienced user looking to deepen your understanding of its features, this section is designed to provide you with the information you need.
IntelliText is more than just a keyboard for iOS; it's an intelligent assistant that enriches your communication experience in five different languages, while offering advanced tools for correcting your spelling, generating secure passphrases, translating texts, responding to your emails, and even helping you create engaging content for social media.
Our commitment to security, privacy, and accessibility ensures that you can use IntelliText with confidence. Browse through the questions below to learn more about everything you can do with IntelliText and how to maximize your use of our application.
If you have additional questions or need specific assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team.

What is IntelliText?

IntelliText is an innovative keyboard application for iOS that integrates a toolbar providing access to several advanced features such as spell check, generating secure passphrases, direct queries to AI, translations, content suggestions for social media, and automated email responses, all in five different languages.

On which iOS devices is IntelliText available?

IntelliText is available on all compatible iOS devices, including iPhone and iPad, requiring iOS 13 or later.

How to install IntelliText on my iOS device ?

IntelliText can be downloaded from the App Store. After installation, open the Settings of your device, go to General > Keyboard > Keyboards, then select 'Add New Keyboard' and choose IntelliText.

What languages are supported by IntelliText ?

IntelliText supports five languages: English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian.

How to change the language of the app ?

To change the language, tap on the IntelliText toolbar and select the language icon. You can then choose from the available languages.

How can IntelliText help me correct my spelling ?

IntelliText uses advanced algorithms to automatically detect and correct spelling errors in your texts, offering real-time suggestions to improve your writing.

What is a passphrase and how can IntelliText generate secure passphrases ?

A passphrase is a sequence of words used as a password, offering better security and often being easier to remember. IntelliText generates random and secure passphrases based on high complexity criteria.

How can I ask questions to the AI via IntelliText ?

Activate the AI request feature from the toolbar and enter your question. IntelliText uses artificial intelligence to provide accurate and helpful answers.

How to use the translation feature in IntelliText ?

Select the text to be translated, then use the translation option in the toolbar. Choose the target language to immediately get your translation.

What are IntelliText's tips for writing effective social media posts?

IntelliText provides content suggestions based on the context of your message, using analysis of current social media trends to maximize your audience engagement.

How can IntelliText help me quickly respond to my emails ?

IntelliText analyzes the content of the received email and offers short, relevant responses that you can customize before sending, significantly speeding up the response process."

How are my data protected with IntelliText ?

IntelliText uses end-to-end encryption to secure your data and interactions. No personal information is stored on our servers without your explicit consent. We adhere to the strictest security standards to ensure that your data remains private and secure.

What should I do if I encounter a problem with IntelliText ?

If you encounter any issues or need assistance, please consult our help section in the app or contact our technical support through the app or our website. We are here to help you resolve any problems as quickly as possible.

How can I know when a new update is available for IntelliText ?

IntelliText will automatically inform you of new updates available through in-app notifications and by email if you have opted in for these notifications. You can also manually check for updates in the App Store.

Does IntelliText store my texts or personal data ?

IntelliText does not store any of your personal data or texts after their use. Your privacy is our priority, and we design our services with this in mind, ensuring that your information remains private and under your control.

Is IntelliText accessible to people with specific needs ?

Yes, IntelliText is designed to be accessible to all users, including those with specific needs. We constantly strive to improve our app's accessibility by following current accessibility guidelines and standards. These responses cover a wide range of potential user concerns and interests regarding IntelliText. They can be adapted or expanded based on user feedback and future updates to the app.

Download IntelliText

Ready to revolutionize your way of communicating? Download IntelliText today and discover a world where writing is easier, faster, and smarter.
Available exclusively on iOS, IntelliText transforms your keyboard into a powerful multilingual tool, with features designed to enrich every message, email, and social media post. Join us and take your typing experience to the next level.